Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Blog for My 365

I just realized that I need to explain a little further about this whole "My 365" dealy-o!  I have started reading the Happiness Project again!!  Yes, I said again.  I started last year probably in October.  Got it from the library.  Didn't finish it during my "checked out" status and it had a waiting list so I could not renew it.  Anyway. . .right then and there I planned to finish reading it this year.  Also to make it part of my new years resolutions.  Many chapters are broken into months.  I decided to go month by month and try her goals as mine.  The January month is ENERGY.  Her idea for more energy is Organization. She talks about physical and mental energy.  Her idea is getting more rest for her physical energy (which has yet to happen for me, but it is my goal and I do still have 26 days to go).  For the mental energy she tackles "outer organization."  How happy it made her feel to organize her closets and her house.  Hence, the pictures of my attempts for organization around the house. Which is my effort at feeling happier this month too. :D

I decided that I need to post this in a separate place.  So I am creating a new blog for "My 365" if you care to follow my adventures at my attempt for more happiness in picture form :D

1 comment:

Kelli said...

What a great challenge. I will be following your adventures.