I've thought about it for a while now and the worries have got to me, so I have decided to go private! I still want all of you to be able to share in our family blog though and just need your email address.
So, please comment here, email me or call me and give me your email address that way I can add you to my list of approved people to invite and then you can continue to view our family blog.
You have it but here it is anyway... mandlon@hotmail.com
I love knowing and seeing what's going on in your lives.
You will of course invite your family - right? What are your worries, have you had problems?
I want to keep up on the quicks. philbofm@yahoo.com
I know I don't comment much but I like reading of your adventures. kellisbiz@yahoo.com
Me too.
I really like reading your blog, count me in...niknik5622@yahoo.com
oooh me too!!! charlyqt@hotmail.com
i really like keeping up this way. please invite me. familyunity@gmail.com. thanks
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